The Path Back To Your Why

Go in the direction that God designed for you.

Stop playing it safe and get on the path back to your why.

Are you Ms./Mr. Independent (cue Kelly Clarkson sass)?  I am.  For years I didn’t understand why that was a good thing - for my professional and personal life.

I was that kid who frustrated my dad when I would ask “why” to whatever instruction he gave me? That approach rarely worked out well because my dad was a military officer/pastor/professor - sometimes all at the same time.  Obedience was expected and enforced.

If my dad wanted me to do one thing, I wanted to do the opposite.  If he told me to be quiet, I had more questions. I honestly wasn’t trying to be a contrarian, I was just naturally wired to be curious about whatever was on the other side of what was obvious.

To be clear, my dad is now one of my best friends, I’m just conscious of the fact that what makes me good at what I now do for a living (being curious, wanting to know the root cause of things, exploring territory that others see as too much trouble or too difficult) hasn’t always worked for me.

As a Founder, an executive coach, organizational strategist and speaker, I now make a living doing the very thing that kept me in hot water in my formative years, and frankly in my early career.

I became fascinated with the assessment, development and growth of other leaders based on my own challenges and epiphanies about the traits that work for me, those that didn’t and that’s still the case.

Over the span of my life and career I’ve uncovered how to deploy my talents into my passions, and used my passions and pain points not as destinations, but as stepping stones to point me to my purpose. 

That sounds super coachy, I know, but the reality is, there’s nothing fluffy about that kind of personal development.  You come through that work with a tested mettle and a much better view into what it takes to lead, change, grow, survive, thrive and build - for others or for yourself.

There have been times I played it safe in my career - to keep myself comfortable, and to keep others comfortable. 

There have been times I took risks that worked out, and other times when I fell flat on my face.

Here’s what I’ve learned…

The path to your why can be found on straight roads, crooked paths or unexpected detours.

— Coach Karen

Instead of resigning, you may need to explore if your why is in or just beyond the discomfort. And for some of you, staying may rob you of clarifying your why and your next steps.

Some of you need to forgive.  And some of you need to set boundaries.  And some of that work will be with others, and for some of you it will be with yourselves.

If you are curious about The Path Back to Your Why I’ve curated some of my best tools, resources and insights to support the same journey I’ve taken, and that some of the most amazing leaders on the planet have taken.

Join me LIVE for my FREE webinar “The Path Back To Your Why”.  You can register here:

When you register, you’ll get a chance to grab your FREE copy of The Imagine Matrix, one of my client favorites and my standard go-to when I need to get clear about where I am on the path to my why.

You’ll also hear from some of my favorite professional and entrepreneurial leaders who have done, and are doing the work.

If after we finish that session you want to be better prepared for whatever is next for you, you have options for that too.

About The Author

Karen Hilton is retained executive coach, speaker, organizational strategist and Vision Coach, based in Atlanta, Georgia. She founded Rock Your Vision as a way to equip and inspire professionals and entrepreneurs to do life on their own terms. Rock Your Vision will help you get clear about your best next steps while leaving fear, excuses, mistakes, and confusion behind. Ready to Rock YOUR vision?


Purpose Wastes Nothing


Discovering Your Worth