“You should go work at the Post Office.” I knew IMMEDIATELY that the person who was insisting on this next best step for me didn’t know me at all.

As it turns out I would have many very well-intentioned “experts” guiding and directing my path to what would eventually end up being a very good job.

What I missed along the way (and what you can learn from my own journey) is that I have a combination of gifts, talents, perspectives, and experiences that make me uniquely qualified to make not just a difference, but an IMPACT.

Wow! That gave me a jolt just writing that.

Friend, I don’t mean to sound preachy or like I’m not aware that you have people and potential projects depending on you, but when it comes to finding your purpose - the thing that you are uniquely qualified, gifted and even prepared to do in your lifetime…

You have more options than you realize.

I created this toolkit to help you get one step closer to discovering your Purpose.

Click the link below, and let me help you consider your options and take some meaningful action - on your terms.


What Were You Born to Do?