Why It's Never Too Late To Go After Your Dreams

Why It's Never Too Late To Go After Your Dreams

If you had all the support and resources in the world, what would you do?

What dreams would you pursue if you knew it was impossible for you to fail? If your dreams are possible for others, then you can achieve them too! Your current position in life can be the launching pad to the destiny you've always dreamed about.

“But wait”, you say. “My dream is REALLY big.” I get it. The trick to tackling big dreams is to chunk them into bite size pieces. If you focus on small steps and take consistent action, you can achieve whatever your heart desires. The key to a life of success and fulfillment is to take productive steps towards your dreams, beginning today.

Your Thoughts Fuel Your Beliefs, Your Beliefs Fuel Your Actions…

Much of the battle for your dreams is fought in the mind, which is why it's so important to believe in yourself and your abilities. Before you even start making progress towards your dreams, know that success is yours for the taking if you believe and take action.

There are many reasons that you may doubt yourself. You may convince yourself that you lack the intelligence, resources, or capability. But if you have a dream in your heart, achieving that dream is closer than you realize!

Replace defeating self-talk with empowering affirmations that fire you up and get you moving. We recommend Alicia Newton’s fantastic e-book, which you can download directly from Amazon.com: https://tinyurl.com/y7dvherk. Alicia’s experience and insights are powerful reminders that our words, thoughts and beliefs can fuel our success - if we are intentional and willing to reframe our thoughts.

To get ready to reach your goals, start by questioning and attacking

Tyour doubts. Are they really true? Are they logical? Most doubts are simply exaggerations based on fear. Replace them with empowering thoughts that boost your confidence. Instead of focusing on the big picture, focus on the small steps that will get you to your dream.

List all the skills and positive qualities you possess. If you can't think of any, ask your friends and family. Others often have a better perspective on your strengths than you do.

Think of the compliments you've received, write them down, and review them often to combat the fear and anxiety that falsely lead you to believe that you aren't good enough.

Next, list the things you want most in life. What are your financial and career goals? What would you like your relationships to be like? What are your core values? Explore yourself and find the dreams that you've buried beneath fear and inaction. Dust off those dreams and start to take action today.

Dealing With Fears

Once you've decided to go after your dreams, you'll likely deal with some form of fear. This is because risks can be scary. But the people that take risks tend to be happier in life in the long run. Choose to step out of your comfort zone in 2020. Stop waiting for permission or the perfect time.

When you feel fear, ask yourself why you're afraid and determine whether this fear is serving you, or holding you back. Some fear is healthy, but much of it is caused by irrational exaggerations of reality. People who achieve great things feel fear and choose to turn that fear into a motivator to push them forward.

The primary reason many fall short of their dreams is inaction. If you face your fears head on and take consistent action, you will make progress. But if you fail to take action, the fear will win.

Instead, take one small action today that will begin to create in you the momentum. Connect with the Rock Your Vision community for inspiration, tools and resources and share your one small action with us. You might just encourage someone else to take their next step.

You can find us on Instagram: @rockyourvision, on Facebook: @rockyourvisioncommunity and right here at this blog.

Karen Hilton is retained executive coach, speaker, organizational strategist and Vision Coach, based in Atlanta, Georgia.

She founded Rock Your Vision as a way to equip and inspire professionals and entrepreneurs to do life on their own terms.

Rock Your Vision will help you get clear about your best next steps while leaving fear, excuses, mistakes, and confusion behind. Ready to Rock YOUR vision?


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